We arrived in Mexico City before dawn, well before our guesthouse was ready for us. Wandering the empty streets and plazas of Coyoacán, I could sense lushness even in the dark. When the sun rose and our room was ready, we went to bed, exhausted from the journey. Around midday, I rose to open the…
Author: Claire
The Six California Native Plants Living on My Balcony
Of the 6,000+ native plants of California, I have six growing on my balcony. I should have more, but too often I succumb to a selfish desire to transform my garden into an Italian villa. However, I am resolved to fill future open container space with native species, for the health and biodiversity of my…
How to Start Growing Native California Plants in Containers
It’s California Native Plant Week! This event, organized by the California Native Plant Society, celebrates the 6,000+ types of plants indigenous to my state. These are the species that occur naturally in this region, not introduced by humans. Although there are loads of benefits to growing native plants, keeping them in containers comes with challenges. But it’s worth…
Know Thy Bioregion
I garden in the Bay Area of California, a part of the world with a very weird and wonderful climate. As a result of the hilly terrain and interlocking land and water masses on the edge of the ocean, we famously have microclimates, which vary from neighborhood to neighborhood. So, to be specific, I garden in…
It’s Not Too Early to Think About Your Fall Garden
I know I sound crazy. Spring has barely sprung and I’m already suggesting you plan your fall garden? Listen, I’m not advocating against being present for the miracle that is springtime. On the contrary, we should all revel in it! But just as we take steps in the autumn months to prepare for spring (like…